Last updated 06/30/2024.
Name | Haochen Zhang |
Label | Master's Student in Robotics | | |
Url | |
2023.08 - 2025.08 Pittsburgh, PA
2018.09 - 2023.06 Toronto, ON
2024.07 VLA-3D: A Dataset for 3D Semantic Scene Understanding and Navigation
Presented at the 1st Workshop for Semantic Reasoning and Goal Understanding in Robotics (SemRob), Robotics Science and Systems Conference (RSS)
2024.01 Computational Pathology: A Survey Review and the Way Forward
Journal of Pathology Informatics
2023.07 Recipe-MPR: A Test Collection for Evaluating Multi-aspect Preference-based Natural Language Retrieval
ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
2025.01 - present Graduate Teaching Assistant
CMU Robotics Institute
Teaching Assistant for graduate-level course 16-831 Introduction to Robot Learning with Professor Guanya Shi
2024.05 - 2024.12 Graduate Research Assistant
Research in visual onboard determination of orbit for cube satellite systems. PI: Brandon Lucia
2023.09 - present Master's Research Student
AirLab & Field Robotics Center, CMU
Research in 3D scene understanding and interactive natural-language navigation for autonomous agents. Organizer of CMU VLA Challenge and IROS 2024 Workshop. PIs: Wenshan Wang, Ji Zhang
2022.05 - 2023.04 Thesis Student
Data-Driven Decision Making Lab, UofT
Curated novel natural-language multi-aspect preference retrieval (MPR) dataset and implemented benchmarking methods. PI: Scott Sanner
2021.05 - 2022.08 ML System Software Engineering Intern
Software development on embedded AI compiler pipeline and R&D experiments on fine-tuning embedded AI models.
2020.05 - 2021.05 Research Student
Multimedia Laboratory, UofT
Analyzed histological tissue types with deep learning methods and contributed to large-scale computational pathology survey. PI: Mahdi Hosseini
2019.05 - 2019.08 Data Science and QA Intern
SensorUp Inc.
Extracted and analyzed geospatial data and load-tested software frameworks.
2024.01 - 2024.04 -
2023.10 - 2024.04 -
2023.10 - present -
2023.10 - present
- 2022.11
IEEE Toronto Student Scholarship
IEEE Toronto Section
- 2021.11
Bruno D. Stefano Scholarship
IEEE Toronto Section
- 2020.08
Laura Chizuko Fujino Scholarship in Engineering Science
University of Toronto
- 2020.04
ESROP Research Fellowship
University of Toronto Division of Engineering Science
- 2018.04
Dean's Merit Award
University of Toronto Faculty of Engineering